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Iformation How To Larn Google Adsense Approving Inward 2018 Amongst Novel Tricks

Hello Blogger, Today's Topic is on Google Adsense, We volition hash out New Working Tricks inwards 2018 to larn Google AdSense Approval on a Blogger (Blogspot) or a website. So read this Article upwards to terminal to know how to larn Google AdSense Approval inwards 2018?

 to larn Google AdSense Approval on a Blogger Iformation How to larn  Google Adsense Approval inwards 2018 amongst New Tricks

I receive got applied on Google AdSense for Advertising on my weblog in addition to I got blessing inside 48 hours, I volition explicate How I got Success inwards getting Approval on Google AdSense.

Here I am going to explicate all of my tricks that I used on my weblog earlier applying to Google AdSense.

New Tricks inwards 2018 for Google AdSense Approval

At first, I applied on Google AdSense amongst Blogspot Subdomain, but I larn rejected for eleven times. But I never loosed my patience, in addition to thence I heard that in that location is to a greater extent than peril on getting Google AdSense Approval amongst Custom Domain thence I bought a Top Level Custom domain (.com) in addition to laid it on my Blogger.

After setting custom domain I applied on AdSense but this fourth dimension also I got rejected for twelfth times in addition to thence I used around Important in addition to Working Tricks in addition to I got Google AdSense Approval inside 48 hours inwards 13th times in addition to that was really happy in addition to joyful motility for me.

i. Use a Responsive Template that has a amend persuasion of both Desktop in addition to Mobile.

ii. Add Recent Post, Popular Post widgets on the sidebar.

iii. Create "Privacy Policy", "Terms of Use", "About Page" inwards your ain words, halt generating from Online.

iv. Add a working "Contact" page in addition to also give the link of your post service address, Facebook id below of Contact Form

v. Write xviii to xx Unique Posts amongst 600 to 1700 give-and-take Content.

vi. Stop Article Spinning.

vii. Add Images without Copyright subjected, purpose pixabay.com to download complimentary images without copyright.

viii. Add a custom Branding Logo in addition to Favicon.

ix. Do non purpose the Traffic Generator Online Tool.

x. Write Post amongst Proper Heading in addition to Subheading, brand a separation betwixt Heading in addition to Paragraph.

xi. Be certain that your website is non nether construction.

xii. Post 3 to four Posts on each category of your Menu bar.

Website Design in addition to Template:

For Google AdSense Approval your website pattern must last responsive on all devices, your website must receive got proper Menus in addition to Navigation. You must laid all the widgets similar Sidebar, Recent Posts, in addition to Popular Post widget properly on proper place.

You tin run across on my Blog, I receive got laid a really responsive Custom Template amongst beautiful Design in addition to Navigation. Remember that if your visitor can't empathise Navigation similar if in that location is difficulty inwards finding posts in addition to thence Google AdSense volition also decline such type of website or blog.

You tin run across I receive got managed Top in addition to Main Menu Navigation Properly according to the Category of Posts. I receive got separated  Categories similar BASIC SEO TIPS, ON-PAGE SEO TIPS, OFF-PAGE SEO TIPS, BLOG, GOOGLE NEWS.

You tin run across inwards the painting present I receive got laid all the Category inwards a proper house in addition to in that location is no difficulty for my Visitors inwards Navigation, they tin easily surf on my website in addition to disclose SEO Tips similar On-Page, Off-Page in addition to Blogging Tips easily.

Check if your Template is 100% Responsive or non on every Devices.


Quality of website must last High in addition to Professional, to brand a Branded in addition to Professional looking Blog y'all should brand a Logo that explains your website. Make a clear looking Logo amongst colorful missive of the alphabet in addition to symbols in addition to laid the white background on your logo.

Remove the default Favicon of Blogspot in addition to exercise your ain Favicon in addition to add together it on your Blog. You tin purpose Online Free Favicon Generator Tool to exercise a Favicon.

Make an electronic mail address that is related to your website domain name, similar I receive got made a Gmail id bipinseo62@gmail.com. And add together this address on your contact page, nigh us page too.

four Pages:

Add four Pages About, Contact, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use on your website in addition to laid these pages on Top Menu of your website design. While creating these pages exercise non re-create glue of others in addition to write your ain Privacy Policy in addition to Terms of Use.

 There is no necessitate of longer Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, About Pages. And if y'all receive got the mightiness to rewrite the content past times modifying in addition to thence select best Privacy Policy Content from others website. Do not use Online Tools to Generate Terms of Use, Privacy Policy.

Add a working Contact Page, y'all must last certain that y'all tin larn a missive of the alphabet when person sends a message past times Contact Form of your website. You tin select 123form Builder to brand a working Contact Page for your Blog.


Make a Beautiful in addition to Responsive Sidebar on your Blog, y'all tin add together Recent Post Widgets, Popular Post Widgets to display latest in addition to pop post of your Blog. Display exclusively iii posts on these widgets thence that your website volition charge much faster.

Add a Search Bar on a sidebar thence that your visitor tin larn their alternative of an article from your website merely past times putting around search keywords on your Blog search bar. 

Add Google Translator, on give of the sidebar of your Blog, thence that your users of all over the basis tin read your content on their ain native linguistic communication in addition to this brand your Blog to a greater extent than pop on all language.


Every Blog-Post needs around Pictures to write a perfect content, but most of Blogger Download pictures straight from Google in addition to on such Pictures "CopyRight" is Subjected in addition to Google AdSense volition non receive got such a website.

You tin purpose Free Pictures without CopyRight Subjected, for this y'all tin purpose pixabay.com to download the beautiful epitome without copyright.

Unique Article:

Write xx to 24 Posts amongst 600 to 1700 give-and-take content, in addition to y'all are non allowed to re-create content from other website posts, in addition to y'all can't purpose Article Spinning Tool because Google automatically disclose such content in addition to y'all can't Approval.

Give regularity on Posting Article on your Blog, thence that Google volition know that your website is currently inwards purpose in addition to to a greater extent than active.

Webmaster Submission in addition to Google Analytics:

Submit your website on Google Search Console in addition to Google Analytics. Submit Robots.txt file in addition to Sitemap on Search Console thence that Google Crawler tin catch in addition to crawl your website pages. You volition know whatever fault that may occur piece crawling in addition to indexing in addition to ready these errors too.

When y'all submit your website on Google Analytics, y'all volition know nigh the user, how user surfs your spider web pages. You tin know Real Time information on Traffic Source in addition to Location of your Visitors too.


To larn Google AdSense blessing SEO is most of import Key Factor for every Blogger, SEO helps y'all inwards getting Organic Search Traffic from Search Engines every bit good every bit Popularity of your website volition also increase.

I waited for around fourth dimension afterward setting Custom Domain on my weblog in addition to started Optimizing my whole website when I started to larn a few Organic Search Traffic, in addition to thence 1 time again I re-applied on AdSense for 13th times in addition to thence I got Google AdSense approval.

You tin run across Traffic Status of this calendar week on my Blog, I am getting Organic Traffic from Google, Bing, Yandex webmaster. 

So friends, for getting Google Adsense blessing I asking y'all to read Terms in addition to Condition of Google Adsense thence that it volition last easier on getting approval.


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